11-14 years old

Building Mindful Community 

T(w)eens Building Mindful Community


10-Session Virtual Course includes:

  • How your Brain Works - creating positive thought patterns
  • Awareness & the Power of the Present Moment
  • Meditation and Breathing - achieving inner calmness
  • Positive Language - growth mindset
  • Build Confidence , Creativity & Communication Techniques
  • Gratitude & Journaling
  • Overcoming Fears
  • Building Community
  • There is a Course Workbook/Journal that is included in the fee and can be downloaded as a PDF file.

Julia's Unique Approach 

helps tweens and teens develop self-love, confidence, and to use tools to develop a positive growth mindset.

Register With No Obligation

Your T(w)een can benefit for a small Zoom group of up to 10 T(w)eens

11-14 years old

Join the Waitlist

What parents are saying...

Alexandra M. USA

I am a mother of an11 year-old boy. Julia has been amazing in creating the right and positive teaching environment for my son to learn about awareness,the power of his thoughts, how the brain works, and positive thinking. Xander learned practical ways to experience the present moment, and he took part in  mini meditations that left him feeling uplifted and positive. Best of all, he was also able to connect with other kids his age and started forming a community of like-minded friends.

Diana S. USA

Julia’s Tween course has benefited my daughter significantly! She has learned to become more mindful of her thoughts and the world around her. She has gained a greater understanding of how her thoughts affect how she feels and tools to change her thoughts to feel better through meditation and other valuable mindfulness practices. Most of all, my daughter has made new friends with other like minded children her age which has helped her to feel accepted and part of a community. She always looks forward to the weekly classes! Thank you, Julia

Adisa S. Dubai

 It’s absolutely fantastic what Julia does and so very important! She is teaching the tweens skills from such a young age that I only started discovering at the age of nearly 40. And the world needs this now more than ever. I’m grateful for you, Julia, and what you do.